I’ve decided that more people need to buy more art!
What’s art for, anyway?
To inspire you to feel more calm or more joyous.
To help you get through your day.
To help you remember that the world outside of your office is a beautiful, mystical, wondrous place!
And yet, what do I hear? “I can’t afford it!”
Well! What if your first Angela Treat Lyon art acquisition was a downloadable pdf that you could print out yourself, that only cost you 15 bucks?
Yes! You can get your first piece of my art by getting this little print, “Freedom in Broad Daylight” – it’s the same size as typewriter paper – 8″ x 11″ – in a downloadable, password protected pdf that you can download and print out right away – no waiting for it to come in the mail.
You can plop it into a standard frame, and up it goes on your wall. Instant inspiration!
CLICK on the paypal button below to get your first Collector’s item from my soon-to-be-bigger collection of prints for just $15.00! You can choose to use your credit card on paypal, too.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you complete your payment, don’t be in a hurry to close the payment window – you’ll be directed to the website page where you get instructions for downloading and printing out the print!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for liking my work enough to get it, look at it. share it with others who’d like it – you make my day!
If you need to contact me, use the golden tab at the side of all pages on this site – easy-peasy!