I have this weird thing that happens if I’m looking straight ahead, and there is a shiny thing on either side of me – the shiny thing makes light rays that go out and catch me – kind of like strings that pull my attention. Hard to put into a … Continue reading
Tag Archives: images
I loved Downward Dawg that I designed yesterday, that I figured I should-oughta make Upward Dawg, too. This one’s one of my favorite poses – I have a funky congenital glitch at the base of my spine that makes this position really difficult – so of course I enjoy it, … Continue reading
I birthed my younger son at home. Labor had started at 10 pm, but I went to bed anyway, exhausted from canning tomatoes all day. I awoke with a bang at 3 am, though, and somehow, as daddy went to get the midwife, I clambered clumsily and carefully down our … Continue reading
When my parents built their beautiful self-designed house, they embedded a 4-tile Italian design of a growling dog, in lovely ceramic colors, into the wall next to the stairway. It wasn’t just a regular stairway – oh no, can’t have that! It was a curved stair, open, with huge, thick … Continue reading
If you post on social media, create and post images on your website, or use images for your portfolio – or any type of stationery or promotional materials – both online and off – you need to know this stuff! • Do you know the difference between .jpg, .tif, .png, … Continue reading
Recently I posted a couple of images of memes saying “What Not to Say to an Artist” and “What Not to Say to Photographers.” I also inluded a Cheat Sheet of nice things artists wish you would say to us. Find and download it all HERE. Today, I’m posting a … Continue reading
A while ago, there were 2 memes circulating about what not to say to an artist: I’ve asked artists all over the place to suggest what they’d like to hear (THANKS so much to all the artists who gave me their wonderful input!). This is part one – feel free … Continue reading
This last week, just for fun, and to see how many people I could reach, I offered a free online virtual art show (HERE). I created the show, and included a free downloadable print as a thank-you gift for coming to see the show. THE PLAN My plan was 4-fold: … Continue reading
Recently I was interviewed for EnkoArt.wordpress.com, a terrific art site that features many artists. Mia Corrino, the interviewer, does a whole lot of research before asking her questions, and I was particularly pleased with the questions she asked me. Here’s the first one – more to come in ensuing posts. … Continue reading

I’ve decided to make inexpensive prints available that you can download and print out yourself. So far, people like the idea. I’m thinking it might be cool to have a Collector’s Choice Membership Club where you could get prints for less! Here’s what I’ve set up: You can get all … Continue reading
Here’s the letter I got announcing the new March 2014 issue: “Women in Art 278 is pleased to unveil the March Issue! Congratulations to our cover artist Angela Treat Lyon of America whose art beautifully conveys our Water Theme – Access to Clean Water, an issue that affects every being … Continue reading
The Cliff Acrylics on canvas, 12″ x 12″ I’ve been keeping track of how our weather has changed our beaches here in Hawaii. This cliff never used to exist. Over the past few years, Kailua beach has lost yards and yards of sand, exposing the roots of the ironwood trees, … Continue reading
My painting, Learning to Love Myself, has been paired with the just-right accompanying article by Leo Drioli in a 2-page spread in Sage Magazine this month! How cool is that? You can see the whole online alternative magazine HERE. It’s got wonderful articles and other artwork all through it. Thanks … Continue reading
I’ve decided that more people need to buy more art! What’s art for, anyway? To inspire you to feel more calm or more joyous. To help you get through your day. To help you remember that the world outside of your office is a beautiful, mystical, wondrous place! And yet, … Continue reading
Sometimes I’m a little slow to take action on things I know that work. For a few years now, I’ve seen articles, posts, tele-classes and workshops on how to use social media to promote your work – whatever it is. But I’ve always been so busy trying to just DO … Continue reading