Images dwell within me getting fat and juicy until they just simply will not allow me to sit on them one more minute. Many many nights I’ll wake up with designs in my head, all clamoring to come out at once, and I’ll have to get up and draw furiously till they’re out and happy.
What I wanted – and still want – to see and surround myself with was expressions of the feeling I had in my heart about how I felt it could be, and really is, on levels we don’t normally think about or have visual access to during the glaring light of day.
Mood, emotion, feeling and the underlying spirit – this is what I love.
And rather than anatomical correctness, I see bodies as fluid and constantly changing in form and motion – I leave the anatomically perfect drawings and realistic renderings to those who are much better at them than I.

The older I get the looser my work seems to become. My hand flies, and my mind feels alive and connected to some amazing, enormous, endless source. I’m delighted with this work, no matter the medium – it makes me happy.
I appreciate your interest!
Angela Treat Lyon