It’s the Land of Ammaze!
Where people get to be as passionate and creative as they want, and clothing is purely optional!
Only 7 sets of 12 left – better jump if you want one. I’m clearing out my stock, so – I’m allowing these to walk out the door at a savings to you.
You can send them to friends and loved ones…annnnd…you can also also frame them! All 12 lined up in nice thin black frames with a 1″ eggshell white mat look stupendous!
Usually 12 cards would be $60, but for these sets, but for just this weekend, each set is only $47.95. Click on the link below to get your set!
Orders for within the USA only. If you live outside the US and you absolutely must have a set, do not order through the link below. Instead, please contact me so I can set it up for you. Even though shipping is high it’s still doable at $19.
If you’d like to see the images in a bigger size, go HERE.
For the story of the Land of Ammaze, go HERE.
For the story of why I did these images, go HERE.
For the eBook or print book of the Land of Ammaze. go HERE.
(each link opens in a new window)